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July 30, 2024

Racing on the Streets of Toronto

by damuzingo

There is no event quite like the Toronto Indy, and this year, Peter Hanson kicked it into high gear showcasing the new livery to over 150,000 fans in attendance and giving away tons of Racing For Kids swag to all the families that walked the paddock, visited the autograph sessions, and passed by in the parking lot!

While wrestling with defective shock-absorbers, Peter took on the bumpy streets of Toronto with familiarity and determination as he pushed his way through the field and took home double podiums throughout the weekend! Saturday saw a tight race between Peter and his competitors. After maneuvering around damaged vehicles and debris on track, Peter came out clean, allowing him to steal away the second spot.

Sunday’s race was intense as the competition was battling hard for the chance to get their name in the history books. Peter kept his pace strong and pushed the limits putting him P3 for a double podium weekend at the Toronto Indy!

Next up, Peter will take on yet another street circuit as the Sanders Motorsport team crosses over into Quebec for the incredibly sights, sounds, and glow from the brakes during the night races at Grand Prix Trois Riviere on August 9-11th.